Monday, April 1, 2013

[Weekend Poll] US Readers: Do You Plan On Switching Carriers This Year?

The wireless service landscape is undergoing significant changes in the US this year. T-Mobile just launched it's kind-of no contract plans with monthly hardware payments, something no other US carrier offers. Sprint is in the early stages of its LTE rollout, a buyout from Japanese firm Softbank, and the acquisition of Clearwire (which seems more likely with each passing day). AT&T has already gained the 2 LTE spot in the US, but may have turned off a good number of potential Galaxy S4 buyers by pricing the device at $250 on contract, while continuing to push its own shared data plan model. Verizon remains the US LTE coverage king (RootMetrics confirms that), and will be the first US carrier to deploy voice-over-LTE on any wide basis, but its high prices and its competitors playing LTE catch-up may shrink those advantages in the coming year.

So, are the shifting sands enough to make you switch providers this year? Or are you sticking it out with an underdog in the hope that this will be the year things finally get better? Are you changing to save money, or to up your coverage and speeds? Answer the poll, and the sound off in the comments to explain your reasoning.

US readers: will you switch carriers this year?

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