Sunday, March 31, 2013

It Has Begun: April Fool's 2013 Roundup From Around The Web [Continuously Updated]

April Fool's 2013 is here (at least in some time zones), and the Internet has already given birth to a few early pranks. We will spend the next two days second-guessing every piece of written content, getting rickrolled, and generally feeling the way members of bomb squads do on their missions.And we will hate love every minute of it.


So, let's take a look at the best Android, mobile, and Google-related jokes that hit the web this year.

*** This page will be continuously updated ***

Check out April Fool's pranks from 2011 and 2012.

If you want to contribute something Android / Mobile / Google-themed that we haven't seen yet, feel free to comment with the url and optionally a brief description. We'll put the best ones up. Once again, please stick to Android, Mobile, and Google.

Google adds treasure maps

The Street View team has found Captain Kidd's treasure maps and integrated them into Google Maps. Zoom way in for added spyglass awesomeness. Supposedly, throughout the day the Google Maps G+ page could be dropping more clues, some of which you see in the video.


YouTube is closing down after 8 years

Turns out, YouTube is just a giant competition to find the best video on the Internet. And now the site is finally closing after receiving enough submissions. The winner will be announced in 10 years. See you then.

Who needs a Hyperloop when you have Teleport Transporter (Beta)?

You won't find this iOS. Courtesy of Incorporate Apps.

Google Play Developer Console improvements

Who's going to publish the first truly awesome application?

Thanks, Nicholas!





Here's a fancy Easter Egg from Google. Literally.

You need a modern browser that supports WebGL to see the result. Unfortunately, viewing on your mobile seems to be out - even Chrome Beta doesn't work with it. I also tried Dolphin and the new Opera Beta with no luck.

Edit: Chrome will work if you enable the experimental WebGL support via chrome:flags. Thanks, David!



Thanks, Angel!

You know what to do

Go to an Apple store and do this. It's incredibly well-done. The page even updates the progress percentage and hides the mouse cursor while showing the corresponding spinner for the selected OS.

Update: Looks like we managed to kill the site. Hope they're back soon with better hosting.

Update 2: It's back.


Thanks, Leonard!

Google Nose (beta)

Google Nose - Google, now with 100% more alley pee.


Thanks, Al's nose!

Google+ photos gain human emotions

Load up any of your Google+ photos, press the new "Add emotion" button, and voila - 100% more emotions, instantly. Revolutionary!


Gmail Blue

I know I said Google+ photos with emotions was revolutionary. I was wrong. Gmail Blue is truly revolutionary. Just like Samsung's Nature UX. But even more revolutionarierer.

Samsung makes fun of its own S-/Smart overload with Eco Trees

Samsung Eco Trees, powered by S-Hit and other fertilizers.


*** Keep visiting this page throughout the day for more April Fool's pranks - it will be continuously updated ***

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