Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Samsung Introduces The Galaxy Note 3 In A Super-Detailed 6.5 Minute Video

If you've been deliriously excited ever since Samsung announced the Galaxy Note 3 earlier today, there's something you should see. The Korean phone maker has posted a new video, and it's jam-packed with six minutes and thirty seconds of Note 3 and S Pen action.

The video shows off all the S Pen features introduced with the Note 3 today. We get to see a few more use cases for features like Action Memo, Multi Window, and Scrapbooker. The video also gives us our first good look at the S Finder interface, which was glossed over at the Unpacked event.

The Note 3 is going to launch on September 25th in 120 countries, but carriers haven't announced their exact plans as of yet. This video will have to tide you over until then.

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