Tuesday, September 10, 2013

[International Giveaway] Apps World Europe Is Happening On October 22-23 In London, And We Have Two Tickets To Give Away (995 Each)

If you've been reading AP for the last couple of years, then you've probably heard about Apps World and know what this post is all about. If you're a newcomer to our readership and are also a developer, listen up we've got a pair of tickets to one of the best app developer conferences around to give away.

I guess we should start off by talking about what Apps World is before we get too far ahead of ourselves, eh? In a nutshell, it's a series of conferences held in various parts of the globe where developers can get together and network, learn crucial skills at the many talks, and find like-minded folks to potentially collaborate with. It's a shindig like no other. This particular giveaway is for the European event, which takes place in Earl's Court, London on October 22nd and 23rd.

This giveaway is for the event only. You are responsible for your own transportation, lodging, and any other associated expenses. The ticket is non-transferable, so please, don't enter if you can't go.


As you can see, this conference is no joke. There are some big names there, including Woz himself! You'll also find speakers from companies like Twitter, Citibank, Google, Bloomberg, Disney, and Visa, just to name a few.

Before we get to how you can potentially score a free in though, let's talk about tickets. The interesting thing about conferences such as this is that there are multiple events and days to choose from. You can figure out what exactly you're interested in and pay anywhere from 300 to 995 depending on when you buy your ticket. There's even a free pass that'll get you in the door to walk around and check out the various "worlds."


Of course, when we give things away, we like to go as big as we possibly can. Thus, this giveaway is for two 2-day Gold Passes, which sell right now for 920 (995 after the 20th of September).

So how do you get your name in the hat? Drop a comment down below and tell us why you want to go. We'll read through the entries and pick our two favorites. Easy as pie.

The giveaway starts now and will run until Friday, September 20th at 11:59 PM PT.

Good luck!

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