Saturday, April 27, 2013

[New Game] The Legend Of Holy Archer Has Very Little To Do With Real Archery (But It's Still Fun)

Archery is an ancient and noble art, sitting at the intersection of physics, craft, and human skill. The Legend of Holy Archer is a somewhat ridiculous game where you control flying arrows with magic. What it lacks in authenticity it makes up for in genuine fun, thanks to solid controls and a unique game mechanic. The 3D title is a free download supported by in-app purchases (which are thankfully optional) and it's available on Android devices running Froyo or later.

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Here's the gist: you're a lone archer trying to kill a gigantic monster. Aim your bow and loose your arrow. After that, you've got some magical control to "fly" the arrow into the target, avoiding obstacles along the way - it's never a straight shot. Headshots are best of course, but with the monster squirming around, that's rarely the safe option. There are also treasure and power-ups to tempt your aim, but take care - your quiver only holds so many shots.

Once you slay the beast, you can use the earnings to buy better bows or one-time power-ups. You can naturally buy in-game currency with real money via a Google Play IAP, but the rewards and costs for the in-game items are reasonable, as are the amounts of currency. There's a "Release Ad" purchase for a dollar, which I assume means making the game ad-free. Again, pretty reasonable.

Graphics and music are good, though they won't push newer hardware, and you'll either be entertained or annoyed by the laughably bad English translation - the developer is Japanese. You can probably muddle through based on the tutorial.

Via Kotaku

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