Monday, April 15, 2013

MyGlass App Goes Live In The Play Store, Google Launches Glass Setup Page

It looks like Google is gearing up for the Glass Explorer program, launching the MyGlass companion app and a new Glass setup page, both accessible to the general public.

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The companion app relies on Google's now-signature "Card UI," and the listing's screenshots show off some of the app's functionality, though Google reminds us "if you don't have Glass, then downloading this will be a waste of time. Sorry about that." The description goes on to comfort readers, however: "But if you swipe the screenshots to the right, you'll see there's a picture of a puppy in pajamas. So not a total waste of time after all."

Of course, users can still install the app, though it (obviously) won't be able to complete Glass setup properly without an actual Glass unit. It's worth noting the app seems to be compatible only with phones for now, and has some interesting theming, including a 4d4946 menu dropdown.

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As mentioned, there's also a site to set up your Glass unit, connecting it to your Google account. The interface is fairly consistent with the app, laid out horizontally, and guiding users through the setup process in a clear, easy-to-understand way.



Also of note is that Google's got a developer preview of the Mirror API ready for those brave developers looking to dive into the Glass ecosystem (and begin crafting "Glassware") early. See it for yourself here.

Though most of us aren't lucky enough to be Glass users just yet, the launch of a new setup page and app are certainly exciting, and we can only expect more forward motion from here.

Thanks, Lucas!

Glass Setup

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