Saturday, April 20, 2013

More Source Code Goodness: Samsung's Drops The Kernel Code For The T-Mobile Galaxy S III LTE

If you've been feeling sad because of the lack of posts about source code lately, today should be making up for it. This morning, Samsung released the first bath of kernel source for the Galaxy S4, and just a bit ago HTC offered up the code for five different variants of the One.


Looks like Samsung wasn't quite finished after the S4 code this morning, however, as the company just pushed the T-Mobile Galaxy S III LTE's code to its download server. This may indicate that the phone is due up for release soon, we've heard nary a word since the last rumored date of late March/early April a time which has clearly come and gone.

Either way, if you'd like to dig into the code and see what's going on on under the hood, hit the link below.

Samsung Open Source Release Center

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